Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's the difference between cologne and perfume?

Cologne refers to men and perfume for women.What's the difference between cologne and perfume?
Perfume lasts longer and does not have to be reapplied it has the highest amount of concentrated oils.

Cologne has to be reapplied and does not last as long it has less amount of concentrated oils.What's the difference between cologne and perfume?
cologne is for men usually and perfume is for women... of course there are exceptions, but that's normally how it is...
Cologne is lighter than perfume. Perfume is concentrated and a little goes a long way.
Cologne contains a high percentage of water, so it is much less concentrated than perfume. It costs a lot less than perfume, and is sold in larger quantities than perfume. One has to apply more cologne than perfume, and the scent of cologne is short-lived in comparison to that of the perfume.

Perfume is highly concentrated flower and plant oils and essence. It is sold in tiny bottles for a lot of money. A little bit goes a long way. When placed directly on fabric, it will leave a permanent stain.
COLOGNE:is diluted and doesnt last as long, and is more for the daytime.

PERFUME: lasts longer, more expensive and it is highly concentrated.

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