Saturday, December 19, 2009

Does putting on ';pheromone'; perfume really make guys want you?

I would never do it, lol, just curious cuz its something I have seen on tv a couple of times, and I'm wondering if there are really women who do this. Be honest!Does putting on ';pheromone'; perfume really make guys want you?
I think human sexuality is a lot more complicated than simply the way somebody smells. Animals use pheremones to signal readiness to mate- and since humans don't come in heat in the sense that animals do, I don't think pheremones would really be useful. Besides, our sense of sight is much more developed than our sense of smell, and the evidence is that it is looks that get our attention, rather than our odor. If you think about it, we see the object first, long before we are in a position to smell it. While a bad smell would certainly put us off, a good smell would simply reinforce our previous attraction based on appearance. We humans are rather shallow in that respect. The animals attracted by pheremones don't particularly care what the object of their attraction looks like- only that it smells right and is signaling readiness to mate. I'm not sure I'd want to attract males who were that far down the evolutionary chain that they would be overwhelmed by something like that. Actually, I don't think there's any evidence to support that it would work. I think it's just a way to make money from either desperate or ill-informed people. The folks that advertise it are the same folks who brought us the ginsu knife, the clapper, and all those other silly products.Does putting on ';pheromone'; perfume really make guys want you?
Woa! sometimes but its not all about the perfume its about the face the look the figure. theres smarts included i meen who wants a dumb girl! i meen if u wanna talk and say something they might say um whats that meen? so no its not just about the perfume

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