Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do I have any recourse against my neighbor for spraying perfume onto my property?

My neighbor has been spraying HUGE amounts of perfume onto the fence between our yards to assault my family. I asked them to stop so of course now they are continually spraying it. I've had to shut all my doors and windows, plus I'm allergic. It's horrible stuff. I live in MONTREAL. PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS SOME LAW AGAINST THIS! Do I have any recourse against my neighbor for spraying perfume onto my property?
Hi It is mischeif and potentially assault.

Both Criminal Offenses.

Write a letter to them and inform them you will press charges if they do not desist.Do I have any recourse against my neighbor for spraying perfume onto my property?
Your Answer:

Let me guess; this TARD is French and your an Anglo. Just put a huge English sign that says ';STOP the SPRAYING'; in your yard facing his. That should drive him off the deep end. Better yet; get a really big Canadian flag and make like your hanging it out to dry every day. Or invite all your Engish speaking friends over for a party (a very loud party) with lots of loud English music. And hang Canadian flags as curtains on all windows facing his house.

Buy one of those programmable horns for your car and have it play ';Oh, Canada';. Play it every time you leave or arrive at your house.
It's an aroma in the form of atoms and that is as legal as cooking out in your own backyard which also emits an aroma in the form of atoms.

The only thing you can do is to develop a fondness of the smell.Buy some of it and wear it and you will learn to like it.

Good luck.
The MOST the police could probably do is write him a citation for illegal dumping or littering or something, get a picture of them doing it to show the police.
Spray arosol on his yard and throw salt all over his ahrd hahahaha
I'd throw a bag of Sh-t on the yard.

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